Rhys' O2 is about 50% and he is on 40 breaths per minute (bpm). They are going to get a follow up blood gas in about an hour so we'll see what it says. The last time they switched him he seemed to not really breathe over the machine very much, which was strange because he was fighting the oscillator by breathing over it. I guess he was just exhausted and wanted to rest. Today he seems to be breathing over the vent quite a bit, which isn't a bad thing on this machine since it works like a regular breath. They bumped him to 9cc per feed, so we're back to where we were when we stopped the feeds a while back. They are planning another echo tomorrow to check out the PDA because his lungs seem to be full of fluid again and they had to give him more lasix. They really don't want to have to do the PDA and honestly I would rather them not have to either. If by some miracle he can handle this regular vent and maintain his progress they might not have to address his PDA.
Also, sad news for a family in the pod. Their baby boy was removed from support today and, having been there, my heart aches for them. Please pray for baby Geovanni's family.
Great news for Rhys. Candice - that is so thoughtful of you to always be thinking of others. It was so great to see you and Rhys the other day and we will all continue to pray for the little guy!
- Kristin
I feel sad for Geovanni's family since they were there when I paid my visit...
I hope you don't mind, but I've added your blog to the list of preemie blogs on my site. I have a great group of prayer warriors who read mine daily and I would love for them to pray for Rhys as well. Olivia turned one year old yesterday, which was just amazing. It seemed like the days in the NICU would never end. Praying for you all daily.
I'm so sad to hear about Geovanni.
Yay for Rhys, c'mon little buddy! My heart breaks in half for Geovanni's family. I will say many prayers for them.
Come on Rhys.... you can do it!
Prayers and love coming your way!
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