Wednesday, September 24, 2008

10 weeks today

This pic is from right before we left. Rhys was very restless after
his eye exam, so I rubbed his head a little (which he seems to like)
and he found his fingers and started sucking on them.

Little man is 10 weeks old today! Wow, where has the time gone? He was having a little problem breathing last night and his blood gases weren't good so they increased the settings on his vent a bit. He is now at 30 bpm (up from 25) and inspiratory pressure of 21 (up from 18). He needed a few albuterol treatments to help him breath a little easier, and also got a dose of ativan to help him relax. He looked so pathetic today at lunch. He was lying on his Zaky and just looking like he was so sad. He was so zonked out he didn't even notice he was having blood taken for another gas. Rhys needed the rest though, he has been restless too much for my comfort the last few days - he's burning those valuable calories!!

His echo results revealed no changes from the reading in late August. So awesome, thank you Lord! The PDA is still small and his heart isn't enlarged. The eye doctor came by this afternoon as well and Cody was there for his exam. I got there as she was finishing her report. We were so worried about his eyes based on previous exams and the fact that she wanted a follow-up visit so soon. The doctor said Rhys' eyes look good and she assured us she wouldn't just tell us this to make us feel better. She will continue to follow him closely with weekly visits, but as of now his eyes are "growing" properly so please pray this continues. Again, THANK YOU LORD! God has smiled down upon Rhys with positive EEG/echo results and eye exams this week. We are so grateful.

Vaccines were brought up again today. We spoke with Rhys' head neonatal doctor about them this afternoon and I think Cody feels better after the conversation. The doctor told us he wouldn't recommend the shots if he didn't feel Rhys was in a position to handle them. So, we are planning to sign the consent on Saturday so we know we'll be there and also so we know he will have a familiar face in his weekend nurse. I'm sure the doctors and nurses think we're crazy for worrying so much about our son being stuck with a needle, after all most of these kids get stuck more in one day than most of us do in a whole year. :o)


Jodi said...

We'll continue praying for good news such as this. Also, just a thought (and I'm sure the neonatologists watch for this. . .)when Olivia was started on caffeine therapy, she started de-satting quite a bit more. Come to find out, it was because of reflux. At the time I didn't believe them because she never even spit up. However, as adults with reflux know, caffeine only aggravates it that much more. The caffeine was stopped for awhile and she was put on a reflux medication and we saw great improvement. Just something that I was thinking about the last few days.

Unknown said...

10 weeks is a long time and Rhys has been thru so much. No wonder you guys are stressed. I was really glad to hear about the eye doctor report. Don't sweat the immunizations. We'll get thru it.

amyoutlaw said...

Yeah for great news!!!! Love it! I finally have internet again and can read the blog daily. Woo-Hoo. Love ya'll. Hopefully we'll get to come up there this weekend again.

Pachar Family said...

I found these and thought of you.

"'For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,'says the Lord" (Jeremiah 30:17)

"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases" (Psalm 103:2-3)

I am so happy for the good news. PRAISE GOD! We love ya'll. :)

Crystal M said...

Happy 10 weeks Baby Rhys! We are so happy to hear GOOD NEWS! Despite all of sadness at home right now, Josh and I still look forward to checking up on Rhys daily. We love to see and hear how he is progressing. Witnessing the power of prayer is wonderful. I know very few can possibly understand your heartache and I pray that God comfort you and give you peace.

Sadly, I can say I have been guilty of taking God's goodness for granted. I've certainly learned that in the last 2 weeks. In one night everything I thought I valued was destroyed. I have been humbled beyond belief. But during this experience I'm doing my best to cling to my faith and know that God will bless us and in His time, I will one day understand this chapter in my life.

I pray for strength for you and Cody daily. Truthfully your strength has inspired me beyond words. You are amazing parents and I'm so honored to call you my friends. Hang in there - you have lots of joy and excitement ahead of you. Love and hugs to you both!

Crystal & Josh Myers

Parker's mom said...

Candice, Cody and Rhys,
Seems Rhys is going strong! Boring days and a little "neglect" from the nurses are always good! As for the shots, I too am a little worried! They just seem SO small for all of this! Parker got his first shot Weds. but seems to be handling it well. I am sure Rhys will be the same. We have our first eye exam today. I pray for good news! I thank God everyday that Parker and Rhys are such fighters! All the nurses love his glove, so thank you again for that! Parker also loves his Zaky as much as Rhys does!
Much Love and Prayers,
Parker, Mere, Paul and Andi