cannula won the left cheek, so I took it out on my forehead!
I'm good at the fish lips.
Poor Rhys. I think the boy just needs a bit to settle in, his world has been turned upside down. But, we're getting there. We are having a great deal more luck getting Rhys to eat. It was a nightmare the first few days, but we're getting a system down now and Rhys is now taking between 2-3 ounces per feed. He still has tummy issues, but good or bad I've been giving him gripe water and that seems to help him a little. It is horrible to watch your child scream in pain and not try to do SOMEthing. The clinic doctor said he'd just have to outgrow it, but I'm not so sure his pains are normal (and I don't think I'm being a paranoid parents here). We will ask the high risk pedi next week to see what she says. If the gripe water continues to work we'll stick with that as plan b.
The cuteness factor of Rhys being spoiled went from off the charts to a big fat zero as soon as we walked into our house. Haha. :o) I can honestly say though that I don't think his screaming fits are all because he is spoiled because there are lots of times he can't be calmed by picking him up or talking to him, etc. Again, I think he's still adjusting. But today was a good day. He slept in his bouncer a little and took a ride in his swing and lasted longer than he had previously before proceeding to exercise his lungs quite loudly. He loves his play gym and has started talking to his "friends" every once in a while. The fans in the house are also something of a novelty to him - who needs all the fun toys, he'll sit and stare at those forever! Rhys has started consistently rolling over when you put him on his stomach. I have only seen him roll to the right, but he's started tilting to the left like he's thinking about it.
As far as sleeping... well, WE are adjusting to a lack of it. Rhys refuses to sleep in his bassinet, and will really only stay asleep when we are holding him. I am sure some of you are saying "yeah right", but then again you've probably never brought home a five and a half month old who has been on a strict (unrealistic) schedule and who has already developed bad habits no one ever bothered to break. We have tried multiple methods and have had no luck so I am doing something I swore I'd never do - we are letting our child sleep in the bed with us. Rhys' eyes pop open immediately as soon as you put him down. This starts a screaming fit that takes 10-15 minutes to calm so we've decided this is the lesser of two evils at the moment. He is sleeping with us in a safe manner, so no worries about him being smothered by us rolling over on him.
Anyway, that's our update! Happy New Year to you all!
PS - Sorry for the crazy photo exposure. We haven't had time to play with the camera settings since we got home so they're still set up for the hospital lighting conditions.