I'm really diggin' the new swing
...I think I'll take a nap!
Rhys had his first bottle experience today and he was quite impressive. He sucked down the whole bottle (a full feeding) in about 15 minutes. The only problem they saw this time was that he needed a little help with keeping his mouth sealed. He did a great job, much better than they thought he would. He will be getting bottles twice a day now. He had such a funny look on his face when he was finished. He ate a full feeding in about half the time he normally gets it (they feed him over 30 minutes when they use his feeding tube) and he looked so exhausted. Very cute.
The doctor switched Rhys' O2 today as well. His nasal cannula was being blended - 2 liters of flow on variable oxygen. He is now on 100% oxygen, at 1 liter of flow. Rhys will most likely be going home on oxygen so this is the way they do it at home - they don't blend it. So, now they will be adjusting his flow instead of his oxygen. But, this does not mean he is actually receiving 100% oxygen. My understanding is that full 100% oxygen is when you're on 2.5 liters of flow, so 100% O2 at 1 liter flow is a little less than 50% oxygen if my math is correct. Anyway, that's how they're doing it now. Rhys also got a swing yesterday and he seems to enjoy that as well. He has turned into a baby that likes to be patted - on his back, on his bottom, he loves it so the swing is right up is alley.
Rhys will be getting an MRI soon to check out his head. This is standard procedure for preemies such as him and is done prior to going home. I'm a little nervous about what (if anything) the MRI will find, but better to know it now and know what we're up against. Other than that he is doing so great and we're hoping he keeps it up!
Love the new page. I just love Baby Rhys' sandy red hair and blue eyes. He reminds me of his Uncle Chad as a baby, but I must say he's the spitting image of his dad..... We love y'all and hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
What terrific progress Rhys is making! Every time you update, it's so exciting to hear the new thing Rhys is able to do or experience. He is an amazingly strong and blessed boy.
Praying that the MRI goes well with encouraging results!
Alicia, Levi, Mattie Joy, and John
Rhys is looking fabulous! I check in on your blog every day, and it's so amazing to see the transformation from tiny little preemie to 'proper' chubby baby! We're hoping and praying you're all back home very soon. With love XX
Thank you for sharing the pictures of the bottle feeding. Keep up the good work, Rhys!
More good progress. This blog is like the opposite of CNN's coverage of the economy...a positive story every day!
Sounds like the "look" was him being milk-drunk. Awesome.
Hey Rhys. It is great news that you are off the CPAP. I know that feels better. Don't let Mom and Dad spoil you too much. Way to go eating your whole bottle. I miss seeing you but will be back in NICU next week. Tell your Mommy hi for me. Thinking of you and praying for you.
Chaplain Glenda
Love the pics! Esp the one with him and Cody napping. Very sweet. Can't wait to see Mr. Rhys tomorrow. Hope he "gobble, gobbles" his bottle while I'm there! (I think that was a hint of Uncle Jesse coming out)
Aunt Amy
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