Here are some more pics of baby Zoe. Hopefully these come across better than the others we've taken, which are a bit dark. We're all still doing well. Zoe continues to eat like a little piglet, though it is very hard to relax about her intake. I'm nursing and therefore don't know exactly how much she eats so I (like every other nursing mother) have to take my cues from her. This is a total switch from Rhys, whose every cc was written down (literally) for the first six months he was home so we could keep track of how much he was (or wasn't) eating. Zoe hasn't gained any weight, but she hasn't lost any either. We weighed her last night and she is the same weight she was the day before we were discharged. I know it takes a bit before babies gain back to their birth weight, and as I said I know she isn't hungry I just don't know exactly how much she's eating.
getting hungry
checking out my Daddy
sleeping through all Big Brother's noise
courtesy of Cody... I threw this in for fun