Saturday, April 2, 2011

too little too late MOD

It was just announced that KV reduced the price of Makena from $1500 to $690 per dose. How helpful! According to this article (read it if you get a chance, there is a lot of new information in it I'd never seen, namely about KV's financial status), immediately following the announcement MOD severed ties with KV. Of course they needed to do it, but in my opinion they waited far too long. At the end of the article one compounding pharmacist states that he charges $7 per dose for the compounded version of 17p. It does mention that this is probably less than most other pharmacies would be able to charge since he supplies surrounding hospitals and makes large batches as a result. Still, it is an idea of how little this drug costs to make, and how much KV stands to gain.

Excerpt from the article linked above, concerning the MOD: Hours after K-V's announcement, the March of Dimes, which had accepted about $1 million in donations since 2006 from a K-V subsidiary and allowed it to use the charity's logo on its website, said it was severing its relationship with the drug maker. "The company's handling of the launch of Makena, and the initial list price, were highly unsatisfactory and unacceptable to the March of Dimes and the families we represent," the maternal and infant health charity said in a statement.

On MOD's website I found the following:

Statement from March of Dimes regarding FDA announcement Really?! Now you're welcoming a lower price, MOD, despite not publicly denouncing KV's behavior. Quietly posting on FB and your website does not count as public.

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