Friday, January 21, 2011


It seems as though I was wrong about Zoe's teeth. No sooner had I posted she had nothing about to pop through and here comes tooth number one! The bottom left tooth is in, with the right one on its way. We'd been checking her gums frequently, but this one snuck up on us. She had hardly any signs at all. A diaper rash (our first ever by the way) that had me suspecting, but Rhys had such a h.o.r.r.i.b.l.e experience with his first two teeth I guess I was looking for something more pronounced. So, the first tooth with no problems, but the second tooth is making her a bear. She's rather clingy and fussy (though I think part of that is just her age), she had a low grade temp this morning and threw up in her crib at midnight last night. Now that is what I was expecting to accompany the teeth, though it is still no where close to Rhys's ordeal.

And, Zoe isn't the only one with new teeth. Rhys is getting his two year molars. Holy moly that kid can be a grump. And speaking of teeth, Rhys's got stained from his antibiotics a few months ago. I'm pretty upset his teeth are no longer pearly white, but the staining has faded somewhat already so I'm hoping it continues.

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